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Periodical H&S training for administrative employees

(1 ocen)
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About the course

An employee who passes the course will be familiar with the basic provisions of labour law and will be acquainted with the occupational risks at his or her workplace. The employee will learn the rules of accidents at work and occupational diseases. The last part of the course includes information on first aid, evacuation rules and fire protection.

Target group

The course can be purchased by the company/employer for its employees working in administrative and office positions. Every employer is obliged to provide periodic training for this group of employees up to one year after the initial health and safety training and then every 6 years

Acquired skills

  • what rights and obligations the employee and the employer have
  • what conditions must be met for an accident to be recognized as an accident at work
  • what risks are there in your workplace
  • how to organize your office workplace in ergonomic way
  • what is your obligations when it comes to the first aid and fire protection in the company

Table of Contents


Selected labour law regulations concerning health and safety at work including

1. Sources of law

2. Rights and obligations of employees and employers in terms of health and safety regulations and rules

3. Protection of women’s work

4. Protection of juvenile work

5. Accidents at work and occupational diseases

6. Prevention of workers’ healthcare


Progress in risk assessmnet of the factors involved in work processes and methods of protection against risks to workers’ health and lives

1. Occupational risk

2. Nuisance and accident hazards in office work


Problems related to the organisation of office workstations, taking into account ergonomic principles, including wokrstations equipped with screen monitors and other office equipment

1. Organisation of office workstations

2. Ergonomics in the organisation of computer workstations

3. Other office equipment


Accident and emergency management (e.g. fire, breakdown) including rules of first aid in case of an accident

1. Rules of first aid in case of an accident

2. Fire protection

O autorze

Katarzyna Skorupa - LEAN ACTION PLAN

Katarzyna Skorupa

Specjalista ds. BHP i p.poż

Specjalistka ds. BHP w zakładach produkcyjnych i przemysłowych – nowoczesne spojrzenie na kwestie bezpieczeństwa i higieny pracy zyskała na współpracy z międzynarodowymi firmami. Autorka sprawdzonych kursów i szkoleń branżowych. Bezpieczeństwo i higienę pracy studiowała na Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej w Krakowie. Specjalistka ochrony pożarowej po ukończeniu Szkoły Głównej Służby Pożarniczej w Warszawie. Ratownik kwalifikowanej pierwszej pomocy.  Obecnie związana ściśle z branżą przemysłową i budowlaną – jest przygotowana do świadczenia wszystkich usług w j. angielskim. W swojej pracy propaguje budowanie kultury BHP – przez behawioralne podejście do tematu, nie ograniczając się wyłącznie do powypadkowych środków profilaktycznych.


Opinie i rekomendacje

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  • Bernadetta Zborowska

    Project Manager

    Great course! Very well designed. Focuses on the essentials of health & safety aspects in the office job environment. Despite covering broad theme, it highlights practical information. The content is very accessible, presented in clear and transparent form. Well done!

  • Marcin Sikora Kursy online


    Financial analyst

    Due to the current situation (COVID-19) on the market – all trainings, including periodic OHS training have been transferred to the network. Personally OSH training has always been associated for me with something boring, something that was mandatory. This time I was very pleasantly surprised – the materials brought me closer to the issues of occupational health and safety. Especially the module on first aid was particularly interesting.

  • Anna Chepurchenko - opinie o kursach online


    Manager at the Temporary Employment Agency

    A training offer worthy of interest, materials very carefully cooked in various languages, such as Polish, English and Ukrainian. Fast and very nice service. Prices available. I’ll definitely use this company in the future. Think very well of effective training.

  • Dominika

    Nauczycielka języka angielskiego

    Are you bored with mundane traditional health and safety training courses? If yes, you definitely
    should try out this brand new online course created by Mrs Kasia Skorupa.
    This course completely changed my perception of health and safety at work as something worth
    exploring. The course covers only essential information and rules including examples, as a result you
    save your precious time. Moreover, there are some tasks that you should do in your place of work to
    be fully aware of Polish health and safety signs, labels, etc. Finally, the author of the course provided
    slides including authentic materials so you are able to realize the importance of health and safety in
    your office based on real life instances. In my view, this is a perfect comprehensive health and safety

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1 opinii dla Periodical H&S training for administrative employees

  1. Radosław

    Kurs BHP w języku angielskim, dobra propozycja, wiadomo że co jakiś czas taki kurs trzeba dla pracowników ogarnąć i dzięki temu można mieć również taką opcję, która będzie przeznaczona dla tych, którzy są anglojęzyczni.

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